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Hadhrat Bilal R.A.

A righteous Western writer has written
Who was highly respected among the literateur

Asia was the marshaling place of Sikandar of Rome
His status was More elegant than even the sky

History attests that in combat with the Romans
The claims of Porus and Dara were vain

At this emperor with the myriad-man army
The blue sky was looking with amazement

Today nobody knows him in Asia
Even the historian does not recognize him

But Bilal, that humble person with Negroid origin
Whose nature had been brightened by the Prophethood's Light

The call whose custodian the breast of Bilal since eternity became
Subservient to which call emperors as well as the indigent became!

Which brings amity between the black and the red
By which the poor and the rich are placed together

That heart-melting song is fresh till the present age
Which the old sky's ear has been hearing for centuries

Iqbal ! This general blessing is due to whose love?
The Roman has perished, the Negro is immortal!

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